Spanish for speakers of other languages
The mission of the European University of the Atlantic in relation to teaching Spanish as a foreign language consists in:
- Consolidating and developing Spanish courses that integrate all the levels described in the CEFR,
thereby meeting the needs of students. - Promoting an action-oriented methodology that develops not only communicative skills, but also a
student’s general skills as described in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
(CEFR): knowing how to know, knowing how to be, knowing how to do, knowing how to learn. - Creating a friendly teaching environment through cooperative work, as well as developing intercultural
activities, integrating new technologies, and enhancing the value of Spanish varieties. - Strengthening teaching evaluation tools and feedback from our students.
- Encouraging methodologies and linguistic intercomprehension processes between Spanish and Portuguese
speakers, as well as knowledge of their respective cultures. - Consolidating and promoting the professional and academic growth of teachers as a fundamental strategy
in improving the teaching and learning process.

Furthermore, the university has outlined a series of strategic lines of action aimed at consolidating the educational offer in Spanish, as well as achieving the following objectives:
- To become an international benchmark of excellence and quality in the teaching of Spanish as a foreign language by managing certification systems and the training of teachers and research projects related to this area.
- To become an international benchmark in the Iberophony area in the dissemination of reciprocal knowledge of the Spanish and Portuguese languages and their corresponding cultures.
- To become a member in the network of centers accredited by the Instituto Cervantes.
- To become an examination center for the official diploma of Spanish as a foreign language (DELE, diploma oficial de español lengua extranjera).
- To consolidate and broaden agreements with foreign universities.
- To renew strategic alliances with other Spanish teaching centers that enable us to continue expanding the network and establishing new agreements to facilitate student and teacher mobility.
- To promote specialized meeting points through congresses, faculty meetings, lectures, publications, internship exchanges, etc.